Welcome to My Blog! šŸŽ‰

Hi there šŸ‘‹

Welcome to my first blog post! I’m thrilled to have you here. Allow me to introduce myself and give you a glimpse into what this blog will be all about.

I’m a full stack developer with a keen interest in Microsoft Azure and centralized Identity & Access Management solutions. My journey in the tech world has been quite exciting, and I’m eager to share my experiences, projects, and insights with you.

I have a combined 17 years experience working in the Retail IT sector, with the last decade directly in Software Engineering working on a wide variety of projects such as:

  • Corporate intranet sites.
  • Supplier collaboration & finance.
  • Multi-currency international ordering, invoicing with warehouse integration.
  • Product specification and buyer-supplier collaboration tooling and 3rd-party integration.
  • Store estate management tools.
  • Incident & Request Management tools.

What Iā€™m Working On

šŸ”­ Enhancing Access Solutions

Currently, I’m deeply involved in building and enhancing access solutions based on Identity Server by @DuendeSoftware. It’s a robust and flexible framework that helps manage authentication and authorization, and I’m constantly discovering new ways to leverage its capabilities.

šŸ› ļø Identity Server & Client Project

Another exciting project I’m working on is my own Identity Server & Client setup for experiments and testing. If you’re interested, you can follow along or contribute to the project on GitHub šŸ‘‰ AspireForIdentityServer. It’s a great way to get hands-on experience with identity solutions and client-server interactions.

The solution is built on and orchestrated with the brand new .NET Aspire technology.

While the public sample project is quite basic, you can still see my latest work by checking out my public demo identity provider over at https://sts.stufrankish.dev/ & https://demo.stufrankish.dev/
It’s based on the latest version of Duende Identity Server and features all my latest work including a highly customised UI, custom authorization and interaction validators & response generators and a couple of little Nuget packages I wrote.

Questions and feedback are always welcome and I encourage you to use the project discussion section in my GitHub.

šŸ› ļø Middleware Madness

In my free time, I’ve been experimenting with creating my own middleware solutions. You can check out my work over at MiddlewareMadness. This project has been a fun and challenging endeavor, and I’m learning a lot about the intricacies of middleware development.

Stay Tuned

This blog will be a place where I share my thoughts on the latest in technology, deep dives into projects I’m passionate about, tutorials, and maybe even some tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way. I hope you’ll find the content informative, inspiring, and engaging.

Feel free to reach out, leave comments, or connect with me on GitHub. I’m always open to discussions, collaborations, and learning from fellow developers.

Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

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